Connecting for Purpose

The quote “When you do what you Love, Everything else falls into place” has hung in my office for a number of years and I’ve often wonder… what exactly do I love about what I am doing?”  I always tell people that I love my job but there are things about it that are tiring and also not so enjoyable, so why then do I claim to “love my career and what I do?” I always come back to the same conclusion… It’s the people. It’s meeting new people, and reconnecting with friends, and getting the chance to hear their stories and experiences… It is having the chance and ability to listen and observe and then help create opportunities.  This is what I love to do.

Yes, some of these opportunities benefit my company, which is always a bonus!  but my favorite is when it is not benefiting me directly.  It’s the times when I have the opportunity to influence others or help them understand the connections that I see so clearly.   I love to meet someone and instantly have the thought “you have got to meet _____! I know they could help solve your problem or benefit from knowing you!  Thankfully, I have a great memory (Praise God), and a lot of highly skilled connections that I can put them in touch with!

So if my job is merely connecting others – Yes…I must say… I LOVE THAT and would say that is my Gift from God!

I’d like to tell you a story as an example of how I see things connecting…  Today, I saw my baby brother, Dr. Corey Neill, preach a sermon at his church. The pastor, a longtime family friend and the man that married Carter and I, was on a much needed sabbatical. He had heard Corey’s story before and thought he should be given the opportunity to share it with others. It is always great to see your brother suit up, but like most people who climb on the stage for the first time, Corey was nervous and out of his comfort zone.  I know this uncomfortable feeling well… and it can be painful.  So naturally, Corey calls his big brother Brody on stage to shares this experience 🙂, I think he was looking for some moral support. After all big brothers are invincible, don’t ya know.

But as Corey begins to tell his stories, that I have heard many times before, something happened.  God spoke to me through my baby brother – This was AWESOME! 

I had always been concerned about Corey (as big sisters do).  One thing I often think about is why he gave up his dream of Medicine.  I had heard the story about him witnessing someone die during his time as an EMT, which unfortunately turned him off from the program; This is how I remember it.  But today, I heard something different…  As he told the story and compared a lifeless body with a body filled with the Breath of Life aka God’s Breath, I saw the connection. I understood that my brother had to see death to understand life, and then have the passion and purpose to educate the world. He began to quote scriptures about the breath of life that we have heard so many times, how Jesus put his hands on his people and healed them.  The scripture he shared today said that he healed them and made them straight!

 This is neat because this is exactly what chiropractors do. They adjust you with their hands to make sure your body is in alignment.  Their hands help move things around to make sure you aren’t blocking a much needed nerve communication. He can better explain that, but I have experienced it and I highly recommend you receive an adjustment and see what you think… I was a non-believer, even after my first adjustment… Now… I take my whole family!

Having seen and read these scripture verses before, I was amazed at how we can see, or even more, how we can relate to Jesus by realizing the breath of life within us and how it can be passed to others through our hands… I have become a believer in the power of touch and words.  But the phrase “ Laying hands on” has always made me uncertain… What does that really mean?  I now have a whole new perspective and understand how praying while holding hands or lifting hands in praise, can be so much stronger when we recognize the Breath of Life. There is power in our words, in our acts, and in our hands

And he can use us all… even my baby brother, with one scared hand, can help work God’s miracles!

I believe in Connecting for Purpose… what is that purpose for you?  If you are struggling… read this article:

I’d love to hear your comments on this below…


Diversity – a point of difference!

Diversity wins

What does the word “diversity” bring to mind for you?

I loved the definition that just simply stated… variety. That is exactly what I look for when I am hiring someone for our team. Someone better than me and that adds unique skills to the team! I have been writing a lot about recruiting more Women in the Pump IndustryNote: We are having a dinner at the fall HI/FSA meeting! This is what I think about when I think diversity, but we should look for other differences in the people we hire… it not just about gender. I loved reading these articles about how businesses perform better with different cultures represented on their team! Diversity wins!

LinkedIn just published a great article that showcased 50 Must Read articles about diversity in the workplace… Take a look and start investing in Diversity for your Workplace!

50 Must-Read Articles on Diversity in the Workplace: Valuable Insights on the Challenges, Benefits,and Best Practices for Cultivating Diversity

First published on my Connect blog on the HI anniversary site.

6 Years a Wonder Woman

June 2nd has had the words “Wonder Woman” filled in on my calendar since the first moment I heard the movie would be available.  There are so many reasons I wanted to see this movie.  For one, I thought she kicked butt in Batman vs Superman, and I couldn’t wait to see what she would do next.  But additionally, I am looking for inspiration.  I am looking for a leader, and yes someone to look up to that reminds me I am on the right track.  As I celebrate my 6 year anniversary being a business owner, I have called on my “inner wonder woman” many times. It was exhilarating to see those traits on the big screen.

As I watched the movie (like all movies), I empathize with characters.  First, Diana’s mom… as a protective mom trying to shield her daughter from the pains of the world. And then her Aunt who mentored her to master the skills she needed to be fulfilled. Then, of course, Diana.  As every girl dreams… I want to have the power to save the world.

While watching the film, the moment she discovers her powers, our movie screened paused with this very powerful frame on screen. It couldn’t have been planned better if it was on purpose!  It was such a powerful scene and this glitch somehow amplified her powers all the way to our seats!   It was great!! It was also great when the film continued to play. 🙂

Diana Wonder Wowan

The next thing I noticed is that Diana had to take hold of her future.  Much like we have to do with our careers. We have to make the difficult decisions and take risks to see our goals realized.  I could really relate to her taking that leap!  You just have to make it happen, even when it seems impossible.  You Must Have Self-Confidence.  The only reason it worked is because she believed in herself; she knew she had the skills, so she was able to trust in her abilities.

This reminds me of the day I decided I would start a company.  I thought about my abilities. I have a business degree, I have built and obtained the right audience, and I could take care of a customer. I could almost see Diana going over this scene in the movie. Yes, Yes, Yes… I CAN…

But, let’s not forget the people that helped her and me get there… too many to count, but all playing a part in helping us get where we needed to be.

This is why it was so important that Diana had a mentor to guide her and make her do the work to be the best version of herself, so she could succeed. Even Wonder Woman needed help, so it’s ok for us to need and accept it as well!!

There were a few things I wanted to accomplish from day one:

  • To have a job (one that I would love)
  • To help the Fluid Sealing Association with their digital presence and expanding their partnerships
  • To Present on Social Media at TPS (Turbomachinery & Pump Symposia)
  • To partner with the Hydraulic Institute

I am most proud and fortunate to have been able to raise money for water charities and supported 32 children in Uganda. I have been able to take my family on work trips, which has just been the best! I have also employed people I love to work with and we together have built a really great brand!

If you didn’t already know, I am on the steering committee for Pump Summit Americas and also continue to help many of our clients and partners with strategic marketing plans.  Going from self to team and from my 1st client to now over 40… it has been a learning experience, a truly fabulous one!

For the last 15 years, I have worked to build my personal brand and thankfully have had access to a network of respectful (and also disrespectful) people to learn from – you’ve really got to take the good with the bad to truly learn.  It wasn’t easy…in fact, it has been extremely hard.  But, today I can truly say that I am satisfied in all my accomplishments, and that is something.

So, what’s next, you knew there was a next right!! With all I have done to craft a process and build a team… Next I would like to focus on developing others.  Maximizer is one of my strengths, and I truly believe I can help others improve by showing them simple tools that have come easy to me, but ones they might not have ever thought of.

My purpose is to help as many people as possible understand their value in our industry; an industry that is so important to living in comfort, and ironically, people just don’t realize it.  I also think our workers don’t realize just how special they are! So we are going to shine the spotlight on their hard work and dedication to our industry!

I also would like to recruit more women into our industry.  I need them as peers and our industry needs their new ideas and holistic problem solving approach!  I also want to keep telling my story so I can help other women identify what is needed to be successful in a predominantly male dominated industry, and know without a doubt – Women in Pumps is achievable and necessary. We just have to be able to find that balance where it all works for good. And sometimes, we have to tell ourselves “If no one else will defend the world, I must” ~ Diana AKA Wonder Woman!

Let’s take a minute to talk about the man in Diana’s life.  He completely shakes up Diana’s world, but he gives her the information she needed to begin her quest, and Diane chose to follow him into an unknown world.  Looking to him to lead her to the very spot where she could make the biggest difference. Demanding it even!  He supported her with resources and connections until it was her time to lead. And then, when it was her time to lead, he didn’t stand in her way.  This did not make him weak, instead partnering with her made him stronger, and they saved the day.  When it seemed impossible to all the men around her, Diana saw the solutions. She could see the big picture: the purpose, the path, the reason. It was not only to accomplish her goals but also for the good of the people. As we seek our own careers, we must look at where our talents lie, and what we can do for the greater good.  This is why I like to be at the table. If I am not there, I can’t see the whole story, and this is where real solutions to problems can be found.  So, I plan to get more women to take a seat at the table!

I’m sure you’ve noticed that I have been directing my messaging to women, because I feel that I can be a great deal of help as they maneuver their careers.  I have experienced many things in my 15 years in this industry, and I want to share my experiences so that hopefully someone else can benefit from the lessons I learned from an oh-so-bumpy ride.

I think we can all find a little Wonder Woman inside us!

Reading Patty Jenkins’ (Director of Wonder Woman) story was truly an inspiration.  She followed her dream to produce this EPIC film, and I’m sure soon-to-be-award-winning movie. Patty is a woman, she has a family, and she has a strong husband that admires and respects her.  I just read an article in which Chris Pine describes her husband taking care of the children as she worked tirelessly on the beach scene. How she was one of the best to work with because of her sense of humor.  With a project so big and so dear to everyone’s heart, she worked until it was right, while her husband handled the kids and showed that he was a very proud husband.  Now that women are half the workforce, I see this as a new normal (though every family has their own version of ‘normal’).

It is important to have female peer groups so we can learn from each other the skills on how to be successful in business and life, and just as important, to motivate and support each other – which is something I have mentioned a number of times before in my blog posts.

So last but definitely not least – we should pay attention to Gal Gadot.  She was excellent – beautiful, strong, loving, compassionate, funny – on and off the screen. She must forever be comfortable in her own skin.  She will always be, as Lynda Carter is, Wonder Woman.

Now… who is the next Wonder Woman I will meet? Please tell me your story, so we can learn from each other!

The X factor

GenX to Millennials

I was recently reading a LinkedIn blog “I’m A Gen Xer — Here’s Why You Should Stop Ignoring Me” by Jarrod Walpert.

It reminded me of a post I’ve wanted to write for a while now!

I was born Feb 2, 1981, so I am officially a millennial (Millennials are the generation born between 1981 and 2001) – but I am also so close to all you Gen Xers out there (Gen-X is 1961-1981…so you see, I’m right on the cusp). I believe what has made my company successful in bridging the gap between traditional media and new media, and Cieana also agrees as she’s also right on the edge of the Gen Xers….is that we basically understand both worlds, giving us a unique perspective!

Paperback Books vs Kindles
Newspapers vs Twitter
Scrapbooks vs Facebook Pages
Landlines vs Facetime
Snail Mail vs Instant messaging
We were there for the first PC, blackberry, and IPhone!

I laughed at Walperts article discussing Gen Xers watching Dirty Dancing and MTV.  This was me… I was BABY and practiced that lift with my sister at the Lake more times than I want to admit!  But more importantly, I watched it while pulling the mile long phone cord from the kitchen to see my favorite part while talking to a friend. I understand what it means to multitask.  We were the first to use cell “bag” car phones but also still frequently used our calling cards at the payphone. (And you think paying for unlimited data is limiting).

We were the first to use email and understand the feeling associated with the sound of a dial-up and waiting for the screen that says…  You’ve Got Mail.  I love that scene in the movie where Meg Ryan shows her excitement about receiving a message because I lived it… I think I got the first high from a ‘text message’ but it was far from an instant message.

My friends all had MySpace accounts but I can barely remember that J I always wonder if that is still live somewhere?

We were still having sleepovers and actually looking at each other when we talked at events. Times have changed; now we look at each other through taking selfies and enjoying skyping or Facetiming with friends as part of our socializing.  Today, I hear how addicted we are to our phones, which I personally think is silly.  Yes there are moments when we all have been too attached to something… a girlfriend, a boyfriend, a hobby… now its using all of that… all at once… and all the time J I totally could relate to the line “If you take away our technology you won’t scare us; you’ll just annoy us.” Where’s my phone!

This is me… I don’t understand when someone tells me not to have my phone out when there is nothing happening… Would you tell me to stop talking to a friend if they were sitting there… no – its just you don’t yet understand that my friend is now on the side of the phone, somewhere else in the world… and I can see them almost as good as if they were sitting next to me.  This is the PLEASURE of technology.  This is what I embrace and appreciate!  We can see and talk to anyone … anytime…. anywhere!

On the flip side, I understand if I am with the VIP of the evening… a text, photo, or checkin can wait. Being fully in the moment is priceless and when this happens today, you should note – you are truly enjoying that person, place, or thing!

Technology is amazing and there is power to reach others like at no other time in our history.  I feel a personal responsibility to talk with people… to share stories… to use words to encourage… to educate… to build something better together…

So back to what I started this blog with “I’m A Gen Xer — Here’s Why You Should Stop Ignoring Me”

The reality is, as the title of this blog mentions, the US is basically ignoring this amazing resource; instead it spends its time worrying about the exiting of the Baby boomers and the entry of the Millennials. The amazing fact I learned recently was that the US economy relies very heavily on Gen-Xers – which is an often-overlooked group of 81 million Americans and the largest population of the workforce … wow!

Read the full article on Empowering Pumps