A Time for Renewal

It’s Spring! A time for renewal. Each year, I start Spring with my family on a Spring Break trip of some kind. It gives me time to focus on them and turn off the #ladyboss for a bit. This year, even in the craziness of social distancing, we made a trip to Gulf Shores.  What a treasured time and a great way to begin separating from others with beautiful scenery and magnificent waves to play in. Can I just say, reminding my daughter not to get close to people made me cringed!  It is the opposite of everything I am… So, I think it is best if we just don’t see people at all!

So, I am hunkered down at home and getting back to work this week.

For true renewal, I think we have to also reflect on what we have accomplished. I just reread “My Story” on the CharliKMatthews.com site. If you have some extra time, please take a moment to get to know me better… It was a great reminder to me of how I started my career, and I was happy to see the story is still the same. I love family, faith, friends, and industry.  These are vital to a happy and healthy life, and I am thankful I have the opportunity to share the amazing people I meet and the grand adventures I have with you! So, thank you for continuing this journey with me and my crew!

I have been working on some great ideas for empowering others through storytelling during these “non-event” times, and I can’t wait to share them with you! Please join us March 31st, to learn more: https://empowering-brands.com/2020/03/19/join-us-on-march-31st-for-an-interactive-online-session/

How are you going to experience renewal this Spring?

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