A Time for Renewal

It’s Spring! A time for renewal. Each year, I start Spring with my family on a Spring Break trip of some kind. It gives me time to focus on them and turn off the #ladyboss for a bit. This year, even in the craziness of social distancing, we made a trip to Gulf Shores.  What a treasured time and a great way to begin separating from others with beautiful scenery and magnificent waves to play in. Can I just say, reminding my daughter not to get close to people made me cringed!  It is the opposite of everything I am… So, I think it is best if we just don’t see people at all!

So, I am hunkered down at home and getting back to work this week.

For true renewal, I think we have to also reflect on what we have accomplished. I just reread “My Story” on the CharliKMatthews.com site. If you have some extra time, please take a moment to get to know me better… It was a great reminder to me of how I started my career, and I was happy to see the story is still the same. I love family, faith, friends, and industry.  These are vital to a happy and healthy life, and I am thankful I have the opportunity to share the amazing people I meet and the grand adventures I have with you! So, thank you for continuing this journey with me and my crew!

I have been working on some great ideas for empowering others through storytelling during these “non-event” times, and I can’t wait to share them with you! Please join us March 31st, to learn more: https://empowering-brands.com/2020/03/19/join-us-on-march-31st-for-an-interactive-online-session/

How are you going to experience renewal this Spring?

Remembering Jack Creamer…”It’s All About the Pump Baby!”

This is not the blog I had planned for this week… while I had an incredible time engaging with Industry Leaders at the Hydraulic Institute Annual Conference last week, the missing presence of one very important person was very much felt – and today that sadness is deepened. My very dear friend, Jack Creamer, did not wake to see today’s sunshine. I’m crying as I type this, so please bear with me…

Jack was my mentor. He was my friend. He pulled me along, showed me what was important, and introduced me to leaders in the industry.  I am forever grateful, and I love him. I could always count on him to be present and ready to network at trade shows. Whether it was at HI, SWPA, EASA…this wonderful man was everywhere. He understood the importance of outreach, of building relationships, and of seeing ‘the bigger picture’ of how building bridges is the key to driving change within the industry. He did so much over the course of his career, but more important than talking about professional accomplishments is the real impact he had on people…even in his last few days with us, he reached out and liked a social post of me and Ming at the HI awards gala. Jack was always there cheering us on – even when he could not be physically present, he was our team’s biggest fan… always willing to help or just hang out.
